Friday, July 24, 2009

"On The Road To Success, Are You a Dreamer or a Truly Successful Person?"

Dreamers spend a lot of time imagining success, and this is a wonderful thing to do.

But Successful People use their dreams to motivate themselves to take action.

The big difference in order to achieve success in life is taking action.

Please continue to dream, but then turn your dreams into a plan of action that you implement one step at a time.

You are a special person with unique talents. Have you developed the skills you need to manifest your talents? If not, you may be blocking yourself from experiencing a life lived on purpose.

You were born to realize your full potential. When you do this, you feel the passion of your purpose every day. Maybe you are just dreaming every day, because you haven’t developed the skills needed to manifest your talents. If this is true, it is time to give yourself the gift of developing your skills in areas you love.

What do you love to do? If you had no money pressures, what would you do every day of your life with great joy? Imagine what would be fulfilling, give yourself permission to pursue your dreams, and start on the path you have truly wanted to be on your whole life.

Believe in yourself, expect the best, and get it. Please don’t accept a life that is mediocre at best. You deserve to develop your talents and to live on purpose so you are filled with passion, love, hope and joy every day.

If you find yourself coming up with excuses why you cannot pursue your dreams, you are being stopped most probably by early conditioning. You may have been taught to focus on others, not yourself. Were you told that focusing on yourself is selfish?

If so, please be open to learning how to love yourself. Don’t let your past programming keep you stuck in a mediocre or miserable life. Learn how to love yourself now so you can remove negative programming or trauma and abuse by visiting my website:

The choice is yours to make now. No one else is in charge of your life.

Please reach out for help to support yourself in making new decisions that will move you forward on the road to success that you are truly dreaming about ...if you find yourself feeling stuck and unable to take action.

Don’t give up. Get help to take action if you need it, or put your plan together to ensure your success in love and life starting now.

Even if it takes awhile, you will be enjoying every step you take.
Dreaming and taking action are the keys to success.

I wish you much success.

With love and blessings,
Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
America’s Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Are Successful People More Patient Than You?

Since most people want huge results right now, I think this is an important question to answer for you.

Are you feeling frustrated because you continue to work hard, but your results are not paying off like you expect them to?

I believe your expectations may be unrealistic, however, and this is good news for you. It is good news, because reality is your friend and I will show you why.

Has someone told you that overnight success can truly result from the application of certain strategies? I believe they have left out the preparation that occurred before achieving their success, because instant success is always the result of preparation plus great marketing strategies that usually take months and even years to set up.

Most success stories I have read are full of failures and disappointments that had to have challenged those successful people to their core. You have probably heard that Thomas Edison failed at creating a light bulb that worked a hundred times or more before his final success. Thomas Edison is a great model of success for all of us, because he viewed his failures as learning experiences. Every failure taught him another way it wouldn’t work, and he kept going, but doing it differently the next time.

This is why reality is your friend. Learning from mistakes is reality. Everyone experiences setbacks, failures, and obstacles that must be overcome. You must believe you are 100% okay and move on like all successful people do.

So yes, I believe successful people have patience, but are they more patient than you? I don’t know. Only you will know when you finish reading my blog today.

Are You Willing to Keep Going?
I hope so and as you move forward, I want to encourage you to stop focusing on what’s not working. Simply use your disappointments as learning experiences, and keep going with your positive expectations, and new strategies.

If you find yourself stuck in negative beliefs like, “I’m not good enough, or something is wrong with me,” etc., you will need to learn how to love yourself and change these negative beliefs into positive beliefs. It will be critical to your success that you do not get weighed down by self-limiting beliefs that are actually all false. Let me convince you that these negative beliefs that are blocking your success in love and life are false. I used to have them myself, so I know how to get rid of them, and I know, first hand, how success can be achieved when they are replaced with self love and acceptance. Get my free Newsletter and learn how to love yourself by clicking here:

Some people can be successful on their own, because they haven’t suffered abuse and trauma in their childhood. I needed alot of help and support and that may be true for you too.

If you are one of the lucky few who truly have sufficient self love right now, but still need some help to stop focusing on the negative, I recommend using a journal to record positive events that occur every day. I also think it is important to develop an attitude of gratitude. There are many things in your life right now that are wonderful and fulfilling. Let yourself feel your gratitude for these wonderful parts of your life today, and allow yourself to attract more.

Relax every day and meditate or pray. This calms you down and allows your mind to keep you on track with your goals, and it will get you in touch with your inner joy. That will be very motivating and it will help you to have the patience you need to achieve the success you are dreaming of.

Also, you may need to try something new, if the strategies you are employing are not working. More and more people these days don’t stay with a strategy long enough to determine it’s true value, so if you are bouncing around from one strategy to another, please slow down and put each one to a real test. Then if it doesn’t work, you learn from it, and move on.

The road to success is paved with disappointment and many obstacles for everyone. Please keep yourself on purpose, focus on your goals, and give them sufficient time to work. Get really good at removing obstacles to your success, so you can be taking actions that are moving you closer and closer to the succcess you are working so hard to achieve.

Successful people are patient. Are you being patient enough with yourself? If you need some feedback to help you decide if you are being patient enough with yourself, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. You can contact me by clicking here:

Believe in yourself. Expect the best. And get it! I believe in you, and I know you can do it. I did it, and I can show you how and I started with nothing.

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
Your Success Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
631 228 4361

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Road to Success is Paved with Great Time Management Skills

The road to success is paved with great time management skills, because you can so easily stop moving in the right direction without some inner discipline.

Success in life depends upon setting specific goals, having a vision of your success, and breaking down your goals into action steps that you commit to taking.

So yes, success in life requires planning and working on your plan. What do you think is blocking you from planning and working on your plan? Your road to success is truly your plan, and you must be on the road each day. You need to have daily, weekly, or monthly goals in addition to yearly goals.

You need to work on one task at a time, and not let yourself get distracted from the success in life you will achieve by staying focused. I know staying focused can be a huge problem for many people. If staying focused is a problem for you, I think your nervous system is over activated. I would like you to learn more about trauma if this is true and you can go to my website for more information about trauma healing at:
Just sign up for my Free eNewsletter and then click on "Trauma Healing Will Help You Love Yourself."

Another time management skill to develop is saying no when an interruption or request is made of you that doesn't fit in with your plan.
You do not have to get angry when you say no. Just politely let the person know you do not have time now to respond, and get back on your road to success.

It is also very helpful to keep your vision of success in front of you. Let yourself imagine what your life will look like, feel like and sound like when you achieve the success in life you are dreaming of having. You could create a dream board with pictures of your life when you follow the road to success you have mapped out for yourself.

A happy, healthy and fulfilling life is all about success. What is blocking you from using these excellent time management skills on your road to success? Please make a commitment to yourself to remove any blocks you are aware of. If you don't know what is blocking you, I can help you figure it out. I am an expert problem solver and I had to remove many blocks from achieving success in my life that may be similar to yours.

Join my mailing list and get my Free weekly eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now", and the 1st chapter of my eBook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself" also for Free when you sign up. Here's the link:

With Love and Blessings,
Sandra Dawson, MA
Your Success Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
Institute for Self Love
631 228 4361

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Keys to Success For Your Personal Development"

You're on the road to success, because you are searching for the answers to what is blocking you. Congratulations! I want to help you with my Keys to Success for Your Personal Development.

I know from my personal and professional experience that the biggest block to success in life is a lack of self love. Were you taught that it is selfish to love yourself? If so, you have alot of company, because past parenting practices have taught millions of human beings that loving yourself is selfish. It is not true, and you can undo your past programming and get on the road to success faster, by accepting the truth of this idea.

Happiness and success in life depend upon your ability to love yourself. Loving yourself means you know how to be self-nurturing and you are able to soothe yourself, so you can truly live and love happily ever after. You need to have some skills to transform your life, so here are my 8 Keys to Success for Your Personal Development.

These keys to success will help to keep you on track and to ensure your success.

1. Do Something Every Day

Congratulations! If you are reading this article, you have already started to do something for your personal development. I would highly recommend that you make a commitment to do something every day. If you are not sure what to do, please get my eBook and learn my 15 steps to fall madly in love with yourself. You will be able to identify something you can do every day that will ensure your success. Click here for information about my eBook that is fast becoming a best-seller:

2. Write In a Journal

This is a great way to keep track of your personal development. Write down what you want to achieve. Write down how you are feeling, and why you think you are feeling that way. Look for patterns. This will help you to continually identify personal development goals for yourself, and it will help you to acess what you are thinking and feeling in your unconscious.
Keep your journal close by and make new entries and read past entries on a regular basis.

If you would like a system to follow to help you keep your journal, you can join my mailing list and get the 1st Chapter of my ebook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself," for free and my Free weekly eNewsletter,
"Love Yourself Now" by clicking here:

3. Learn From Other People

Become an observer of other people. Allow yourself to benefit from their successes and their mistakes. Other people have a great deal to teach you. Because I have made so many mistakes, I had a lot to learn about how to love myself. I am a great model of self-love now, and I will continue to share my story with you. You can join my mailing list, and get my Free weekly eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now", by clicking here:

4. Focus On Your Feelings

Recent research has shown that your ability to perceive, identify and manage your emotions is the basis of social and emotional capabilities that are predictive of success in love and life. If you truly want to succeed, you will need to develop your ability to know and understand your emotions. Knowing what you are feeling and using your feelings to guide your life are critical abilities to develop in order to ensure your success.

5. Imagine You Have Made a Decision

Whenever you have to make an important decision, and you aren't sure if it's the right one, imagine you have already made your decision. Then pay attention to how you feel. What are you feeling? See why feelings are crucial. You cannot judge your life accurately if you are not in touch with your feelings. The road to success is paved by the direction you take and the direction you take is dependent upon how your feelings are guiding you.

6. Think About Your Thoughts

Thinking about your thoughts is a way to help you manage your feelings. If someone cuts you off on the freeway and you think, "They have no right to cut me off," you are very likely to feel angry and out of control. If, instead, you think "people do stupid, impulsive things," you are more likely to take whatever action you need to, and to remain calm. Thinking about your thoughts in different situations can help you to make changes.

In fact, all change starts with awareness. If you over react in situations like this, you need to learn how to self-soothe. Success in life requires you to learn this skill, and it is a big part of learning how to love yourself.

7. Accept Some Weaknesses on Your Road to Success

All human beings have some weaknesses. We can be happy and have a balanced life without being great at everything. Focus on your strengths, and accept your weaknesses as part of being a human being. When you fall madly in love with yourself, you know what your strengths are, and it makes it much easier to accept your weaknesses. No human being is perfect, and no human being has to be. Give yourself a break, and learn how to fall madly in love with yourself.

8. Keep Growing

This may be a surprise to you, but on the road to success, there's no end to personal development. You can go on learning and changing for your whole life. If you give yourself the gift of learning and growing your whole life, you will be amazed at how happy and healthy you will remain, and what a beautiful legacy of success you will leave.

I am honored to be helping you on your road to success and I wish you much love.

Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
Institute for Self Love
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
631 228 4361
Get my Free eNewsletter and the 1st Chapter of my eBook for free:
Join my Club:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Expect Success and You Will Get It

You know your beliefs are important for your success, so let's talk about creating the belief of expecting success. If you are overwhelmed by life right now, or you feel bored and tired, there is so much more that you can create for yourself.

Yes, you are in charge and you will need to create the success you dream of having, but it is not as difficult as you may think right now. You are blocking your success in some way, because you are destined to have success. You deserve to have the success in love and life that every human being deserves.

The secret ingredient to success is learning how to love yourself. When you do not love yourself, you do not value your needs, and make commitments to yourself to take care of your needs.

Here's a summary of your needs. You have physical needs. You have safety and security needs. You have belonging and acceptance needs. You have self esteem needs. And you have self-actualization needs.
Abraham Maslow created this list of needs, and he calls it the Hierarchy of Needs. It is so important for you to understand that meeting all of your needs is not a luxury for some people, but rather necessary for everyone if you want to have success. You can get one of the best explanations of the Hierarchy of Needs in my ebook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself."

When you love yourself, you will expect success, because you will be connected to your real self. Your real self wants to feel happy, fulfilled, and content with life. Only successful people feel happy, fulfilled and content with life.

So please learn how to expect success by learning how to love yourself and start now. For more information, please go to my website:

With love and blessings,
Sandra Dawson, MA
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to Make Money Doing What You Love to Do

When you truly love yourself, you make decisions about your work life based on your passion. Your passion is another word for what you love to do. The secret to success is doing what you love to do. You will spend about half of your life working, so please take some time now to choose to do what you love to do. When you do what you love to do, every day is full of joy and fulfillment. You experience much less stress and you feel happy and energized.

Success is life is truly a result of doing what you love to do, so take some time now to do the following exercise that I am suggesting for you to do.

Imagine for a moment if you had all the money you need, and you didn't have to work at all. What would you do with your time every day? Would you continue to work at the same job you have now? Would you want to work for a different boss or company? Would you want to change your career entirely? Would you want to go back to school and develop skills in an area you have always been interested in, but never pursued? Would you want to spend your days engaging in your favorite hobbies and interests? What would you want to do?

The road to success will take hard work, focus, and problem solving. All of these efforts are easier to do when you are doing what you love to do.

Do you know right now what you would love to do? If not, here is a simple exercise you can do to help you to start identifying your passions. Recall your childhood and write down all the things that you loved to do, including the ones you were not able to do for whatever reason. Also recall all the compliments you have received from your childhood all the way up to, today. And finally, recall all awards and activities you excelled in. You will learn what your passions are from doing these exercises, and you will ensure your success in life as well.

I want to help you to awaken your successful self, so you too can be successful and meet your safety and security needs, which means you are making more than enough money to live a comfortable life.

When you are taking care of your safety and security needs doing something you love to do, you are loving yourself, and you will feel so good when you finally choose to take care of yourself in this very healthy way. Each step you take on your road to success will support your needs and create a comfortable life for you.

In addition, you will dramatically reduce stress in your life. You willl make friends with similar passions. You will feel like you belong. You will wake up refeshed and excited every day to tackle your to-do list. You will feel happy and content. And the work you'll need to do, to have success in life, is worth every bit of effort you decide to put into it.

Please let me help you to discover your purpose and awaken your successful self. Doing what you love to do isn't a luxury for some people. It is a need for everyone. You were born to live on purpose, not to struggle every day at a job you hate or feel bored doing.

You can get more information about discovering your life's purpose by clicking here:

You can manifest your passion working for the right company, or you can start your own business. You get to decide what makes the most sense for you. I can help you make that decision if you are feeling confused. If you are stuck in childhood programming that isn't even letting you identify your passions, I can help you identify what you truly love to do.

It's time to awaken your successful self so you can realize your dreams and live and love happily every after. The first step I would recommend that you take, is to join my mailing list and receive my free eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now", my free Special Report, "Why You Need to Like and Love Yourself", and the first chapter of my eBook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself." Give yourself the gift of self-love and discover your life's purpose starting now for free. Start loving yourself 100% by clicking here:

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
Institute for Self-Love
Love and Relationship Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship & Trauma Expert
631 228 4361